Oct 1, 2010

On Boyd Rice and the Curch of Satan.

Well well well, it seems that Boyd Rice has finally stepped to the plate and claimed what was his after 13 years. When Anton LaVey died, Rice was supposed to succeed LaVey, but since Boyd declined, Gilmore became High Priest and ruined the CoS. It became an organisation of sycophants and functionaries. So, Rice decided enough is enough and reclaimed his title, only to disband the Church of Satan. His motivations are things I stand behind. Read the article. It's absolutely worth it.

Rice has this to say:

"Consequently, my first official act as new leader and only truly ordained High Priest of the Church of Satan is to declare that the organization no longer exists. True LaVeyan Satanism only exists insofar as it is manifested in deeds - in life and living. Never in mere words. Elitism is self-defining, it is not a commodity that can be bought or sold for a few hundred dollars, or whatever the going rate is for a little, red membership card."

And he finishes with this:

"In closing, I know my words will find resonance only amongst a rare few. That's as it should be. I am not trying to "take over" the internet orthodoxy currently known as the Church of Satan, nor would I want to. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.

I am simply telling you I am Anton LaVey's handpicked replacement as High Priest. Do with that what you will. I will not ask you for money. I will not send you newsletters or post blogs. But I will never steer you wrong, nor ever disgrace the memory of my dear friend and mentor, Anton Szandor LaVey. He lives within each soul that manifests his ideas and worldview. He will remain forever dead to those who are content to pay mere lip service to them. For the former, a new era awaits; for the latter, an old error remains in play. Let the dead bury the dead - life is for the living."

Well, Boyd. You are saying what I was thinking all along. And you are echoing my exact sentiments. You have echoed exactly the reasons why I never joined the CoS (and it if it still existed why I never would). Why I have always been an individual Satanist. The act of disbanding the CoS is an act of an iconoclast, and one I can applaud. I will be paying attention, curiously wondering what will fill the void where the CoS once was. Nature abhors a vacuum. Hopefully people will finally get off their asses and manifest themselves, instead of hiding behind a 200 dollar "bad guy"-badge. Or not. Time will tell.

Let the new Satanic era begin.

Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!


  1. It's about time! This is great news, and a wise choice from the only CO$ member I have ever held any respect for.

  2. The question remains though; What will the CoS do? Knowing them, they will ignore this and go on with their buisness like nothing happened. But it's still a severe blow to the likes of Gilmore et al. Great use of lesser magic from mr. Rice, still.
