I apologise in advance that this blog is more or less Dutch-centric, but hey, it's where I live and where I get inspiration for stuff to write. Anyway, people are getting into a huff because the prime minister has put together a government which has mostly men at the ministerial positions. Female politicians want to have a fixed men to women ratio in the goverment. In other words, they want to shove their feminist drivel down everyone's throats.
Some people know my stance on feminism. For the ones that don't, here it is: Feminism is irrelevant and dumb. And I will explain, before I get labeled a mysogenist bastard. Ok, maybe I am a bit mysogenistic, but I don't see that as a big problem. I want women to be women. Feminism want to equal men and women, but the feminists are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Men and women are different creatures of the same species. And instead of becoming equals, people should worry more about the things they do best. Which means that women should be women, and men should be men. Equal opportunities and rights, but no "we are all the same"-drivel, because that's just an epic waste of time. Don't get me wrong, I love and adore women, and I have the deepest respect for them. But I don't respect feminists. Not in the least.
So, there are more men than women in the current Dutch government. Whoop-de-fucking-doo. What some people forget is that the prime minister has selected those people on merit, and not gender. If there were more qualified women, then surely more women would be in the current government. The current prime minister has chosen quality over political correctness, which I can only applaud. And the feminists that are moaning should get themselves laid and shut the hell up, because they don't seem to grasp that it's not about gender, but merit. The whole gender issue is fucking irrelevant.
Okay, this might be a Dutch-centric article, but I want to bet that feminists worldwide try to force the same drivel into the whole politically correct memescape. So basically I am soliciting for examples.
Hail Thyself,
Hail Satan!
Opinions and commentary from a Satanist hailing from the Netherlands
Oct 11, 2010
Oct 6, 2010
The rise of radicalism
Here in Holland we have Geert Wilders. Recently his party, the PVV (Partij voor de vrijheid) was voted on quite a bit in the last election, and the liberals and the Christian democrats need to build a government with the PVV. This is almost complete, even though two members from the Christian democrats were against at first, but they changed their minds now and they reluctantly conscented building a government with a party which is labeled radical and very right wing.
But I heard the things the PVV, the VVD and the CDA want to do. Points that stand out are; Outlawing burkas (well, any face covering clothing) in public buildings, forcing immigrants to integrate, learn the Dutch language and get a damn job. Kick immigrans that get into crime out, and if they have two passports, strip them of their Dutch one and send them on their way out. Family reunification is being stopped. Things I generally agree with, even though they kinda clash with the whole multicultural dream the left wing parties have.
Now, you could get in a huff and call me a racist. Well, I don't really fit that description because I don't much care what someone's background is. I look at the person and his or her merits. And if they make a mess, no matter what their ethnicity, send them the hell out. If you cannot take care of yourself financially, you have no buissness in Holland and sucking the nation's coffers dry by getting refugee status and getting a damn welfare check and a house to live in, while the Dutch and expats that are desperate for affordable housing are on a damn waiting list to let a goddamn house. Not something I would like to spend my hard earned tax money on.
Why do I bring this up? Because I am seeing a trend, and there is also some subtle Satanic reasoning involved which leads me to suspect that this is another prelude to a Satanic age coming, where organized religion like Islam, Christianity and Judaism are getting taken less and less seriously, and why secularism is even more on the rise.
Sweden also recently saw the rise of a party much like the PVV, and the numbers of a similar party in Germany are rising as well. Europeans are becoming fed up with Islam, Christianity and religion in general, and starting to become radical, because the hardliners in the Abrahamic religious faiths are taking things too far. Islamists want Sharia law, Christianity wants to eradicate "Sin" and dictate people's lives. Well, the Jews are okay I guess, they don't impose so much. But the worst at this moment is the Islam.
I'm not talking about the Muslims that are minding their own buisness, that start buisnesses and are an asset to the community at large, no. I'm talking about the overly pious Muslims. The ones that want Sharia law in European countries. That get away with everything because "it's their religious right". Who beat their wives, who fail to raise their damn kids because they expect the police to do it for them. And that shit is happening everywhere in Europe. And the Europeans have had enough of it.
Even though many Eurpeans won't admit it, they do see the problems, they know what the problem is, but political correctness has taken a firm grip of the masses and people are afraid to speak out publicly. In private it's very different though. Speak with a Dutch native in private and he or she will be able to explain exactly where the problems lie. And it's not far off of what I just said.
And more countries will follow. Holland is taking the spearhead in this for the moment. Sweden and Germany are well on their way. And there will be more. Europeans are getting fed up and they want their countries back. Sure, you can live and work here, but it's going to be on our terms, and not the Islam's.
Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!
But I heard the things the PVV, the VVD and the CDA want to do. Points that stand out are; Outlawing burkas (well, any face covering clothing) in public buildings, forcing immigrants to integrate, learn the Dutch language and get a damn job. Kick immigrans that get into crime out, and if they have two passports, strip them of their Dutch one and send them on their way out. Family reunification is being stopped. Things I generally agree with, even though they kinda clash with the whole multicultural dream the left wing parties have.
Now, you could get in a huff and call me a racist. Well, I don't really fit that description because I don't much care what someone's background is. I look at the person and his or her merits. And if they make a mess, no matter what their ethnicity, send them the hell out. If you cannot take care of yourself financially, you have no buissness in Holland and sucking the nation's coffers dry by getting refugee status and getting a damn welfare check and a house to live in, while the Dutch and expats that are desperate for affordable housing are on a damn waiting list to let a goddamn house. Not something I would like to spend my hard earned tax money on.
Why do I bring this up? Because I am seeing a trend, and there is also some subtle Satanic reasoning involved which leads me to suspect that this is another prelude to a Satanic age coming, where organized religion like Islam, Christianity and Judaism are getting taken less and less seriously, and why secularism is even more on the rise.
Sweden also recently saw the rise of a party much like the PVV, and the numbers of a similar party in Germany are rising as well. Europeans are becoming fed up with Islam, Christianity and religion in general, and starting to become radical, because the hardliners in the Abrahamic religious faiths are taking things too far. Islamists want Sharia law, Christianity wants to eradicate "Sin" and dictate people's lives. Well, the Jews are okay I guess, they don't impose so much. But the worst at this moment is the Islam.
I'm not talking about the Muslims that are minding their own buisness, that start buisnesses and are an asset to the community at large, no. I'm talking about the overly pious Muslims. The ones that want Sharia law in European countries. That get away with everything because "it's their religious right". Who beat their wives, who fail to raise their damn kids because they expect the police to do it for them. And that shit is happening everywhere in Europe. And the Europeans have had enough of it.
Even though many Eurpeans won't admit it, they do see the problems, they know what the problem is, but political correctness has taken a firm grip of the masses and people are afraid to speak out publicly. In private it's very different though. Speak with a Dutch native in private and he or she will be able to explain exactly where the problems lie. And it's not far off of what I just said.
And more countries will follow. Holland is taking the spearhead in this for the moment. Sweden and Germany are well on their way. And there will be more. Europeans are getting fed up and they want their countries back. Sure, you can live and work here, but it's going to be on our terms, and not the Islam's.
Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!
Oct 1, 2010
On Boyd Rice and the Curch of Satan.
Well well well, it seems that Boyd Rice has finally stepped to the plate and claimed what was his after 13 years. When Anton LaVey died, Rice was supposed to succeed LaVey, but since Boyd declined, Gilmore became High Priest and ruined the CoS. It became an organisation of sycophants and functionaries. So, Rice decided enough is enough and reclaimed his title, only to disband the Church of Satan. His motivations are things I stand behind. Read the article. It's absolutely worth it.
Rice has this to say:
"Consequently, my first official act as new leader and only truly ordained High Priest of the Church of Satan is to declare that the organization no longer exists. True LaVeyan Satanism only exists insofar as it is manifested in deeds - in life and living. Never in mere words. Elitism is self-defining, it is not a commodity that can be bought or sold for a few hundred dollars, or whatever the going rate is for a little, red membership card."
And he finishes with this:
"In closing, I know my words will find resonance only amongst a rare few. That's as it should be. I am not trying to "take over" the internet orthodoxy currently known as the Church of Satan, nor would I want to. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.
I am simply telling you I am Anton LaVey's handpicked replacement as High Priest. Do with that what you will. I will not ask you for money. I will not send you newsletters or post blogs. But I will never steer you wrong, nor ever disgrace the memory of my dear friend and mentor, Anton Szandor LaVey. He lives within each soul that manifests his ideas and worldview. He will remain forever dead to those who are content to pay mere lip service to them. For the former, a new era awaits; for the latter, an old error remains in play. Let the dead bury the dead - life is for the living."
Well, Boyd. You are saying what I was thinking all along. And you are echoing my exact sentiments. You have echoed exactly the reasons why I never joined the CoS (and it if it still existed why I never would). Why I have always been an individual Satanist. The act of disbanding the CoS is an act of an iconoclast, and one I can applaud. I will be paying attention, curiously wondering what will fill the void where the CoS once was. Nature abhors a vacuum. Hopefully people will finally get off their asses and manifest themselves, instead of hiding behind a 200 dollar "bad guy"-badge. Or not. Time will tell.
Let the new Satanic era begin.
Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!
Rice has this to say:
"Consequently, my first official act as new leader and only truly ordained High Priest of the Church of Satan is to declare that the organization no longer exists. True LaVeyan Satanism only exists insofar as it is manifested in deeds - in life and living. Never in mere words. Elitism is self-defining, it is not a commodity that can be bought or sold for a few hundred dollars, or whatever the going rate is for a little, red membership card."
And he finishes with this:
"In closing, I know my words will find resonance only amongst a rare few. That's as it should be. I am not trying to "take over" the internet orthodoxy currently known as the Church of Satan, nor would I want to. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.
I am simply telling you I am Anton LaVey's handpicked replacement as High Priest. Do with that what you will. I will not ask you for money. I will not send you newsletters or post blogs. But I will never steer you wrong, nor ever disgrace the memory of my dear friend and mentor, Anton Szandor LaVey. He lives within each soul that manifests his ideas and worldview. He will remain forever dead to those who are content to pay mere lip service to them. For the former, a new era awaits; for the latter, an old error remains in play. Let the dead bury the dead - life is for the living."
Well, Boyd. You are saying what I was thinking all along. And you are echoing my exact sentiments. You have echoed exactly the reasons why I never joined the CoS (and it if it still existed why I never would). Why I have always been an individual Satanist. The act of disbanding the CoS is an act of an iconoclast, and one I can applaud. I will be paying attention, curiously wondering what will fill the void where the CoS once was. Nature abhors a vacuum. Hopefully people will finally get off their asses and manifest themselves, instead of hiding behind a 200 dollar "bad guy"-badge. Or not. Time will tell.
Let the new Satanic era begin.
Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!
Aug 19, 2010
Paul Douglas Valentine...
Okay. This is my first and probably my last post on this topic. Guys and girls, stop wasting time on this clown. He's not worth your time and/or energy. Ignore him and he will perish and go away. I disable comments on this blog posting, because I don't even feel like discussing it.
And don't even dare contacting me about it. Messages regarding PDV *will* be ignored. I refuse to give this asshat any more attention.
And don't even dare contacting me about it. Messages regarding PDV *will* be ignored. I refuse to give this asshat any more attention.
Satanism and Hierarchy
Lately there has been a lot of discussion about unifying Satanists in groups. If any of you know me a little, you would know that I don't think much of that. I don't see that it's needed. On S.I.N. on Blog Talk Radio there was a discussion between Jason King, Zach, Dark Fool, Beast Xeno and some other guy (shiva-somethingorother, I'll just call him Dave from now on, since it's easier to remember).
The BTR-show was about hierarchy in Satanism and if it's needed. Obviously, Xeno and "Dave" were on th e pro-side of the argument, and King, Darkfool and Zach were against. The discussion was interesting, but some things irked me to no end. Hence, this blogpost.
This "Dave" character irritated me. Obviously, he's a Theist, because he was going on about worship. Look, "Dave"; Satanism isn't about worship. Worship of anything is RHP. A Satanist can be theistic, but he (or she) will never worship anything other than him/herself. RHP has hierarchies because they recognize the need that sheep need to be dominated by other sheep. With the LHP, this is obviously not the case. Titles and hierarchy serve no purpose other than submitting the next guy or girl. Satanists have no need for hierarchy for the sake of hierarchy.
No offense meant to Venger Satanis and Beast Xeno though, they are part of an interesting organisation (even though I will never join it, ever). Venger tries to do well, being fair and balanced and staying out of the way, but I still wonder why he calls himself a high priest. What's the function? He can probably do whatever he does without the title, so why bother?
Anyway, I think people get too worked up about hierarchy. If you have a group of people with a similar direction and focus, hierarchies happen automatically through merit. The people who can lead do, and the people that are good at other things do other things. This is stratification. Water seeks it's own level. No need to impose hierarchies for the sake of hierarchies. It's not needed.
On to the issue of titles. Sure, a title like "high priest foobar of the sixth dimension of hatred" might look cool, but what's the damn use? Some people might think that's impressive, but not me. And I guess I am not alone. The only use for titles that I see is for ritual use, and in ritual anyone can be priest, adept, etc. etc. depending on what the ritual requires. Jason King said something to that effect in the discussion, and I wholly agree with him on this. The flexible use of titles just for ritual and not for status is (IMHO) very LHP. It is adversarial of the whole RHP-ish notion of titles as status, and therefore I think that's a good thing.
So, that's what I thought of the whole discussion.
The BTR-show was about hierarchy in Satanism and if it's needed. Obviously, Xeno and "Dave" were on th e pro-side of the argument, and King, Darkfool and Zach were against. The discussion was interesting, but some things irked me to no end. Hence, this blogpost.
This "Dave" character irritated me. Obviously, he's a Theist, because he was going on about worship. Look, "Dave"; Satanism isn't about worship. Worship of anything is RHP. A Satanist can be theistic, but he (or she) will never worship anything other than him/herself. RHP has hierarchies because they recognize the need that sheep need to be dominated by other sheep. With the LHP, this is obviously not the case. Titles and hierarchy serve no purpose other than submitting the next guy or girl. Satanists have no need for hierarchy for the sake of hierarchy.
No offense meant to Venger Satanis and Beast Xeno though, they are part of an interesting organisation (even though I will never join it, ever). Venger tries to do well, being fair and balanced and staying out of the way, but I still wonder why he calls himself a high priest. What's the function? He can probably do whatever he does without the title, so why bother?
Anyway, I think people get too worked up about hierarchy. If you have a group of people with a similar direction and focus, hierarchies happen automatically through merit. The people who can lead do, and the people that are good at other things do other things. This is stratification. Water seeks it's own level. No need to impose hierarchies for the sake of hierarchies. It's not needed.
On to the issue of titles. Sure, a title like "high priest foobar of the sixth dimension of hatred" might look cool, but what's the damn use? Some people might think that's impressive, but not me. And I guess I am not alone. The only use for titles that I see is for ritual use, and in ritual anyone can be priest, adept, etc. etc. depending on what the ritual requires. Jason King said something to that effect in the discussion, and I wholly agree with him on this. The flexible use of titles just for ritual and not for status is (IMHO) very LHP. It is adversarial of the whole RHP-ish notion of titles as status, and therefore I think that's a good thing.
So, that's what I thought of the whole discussion.
Hello out there
I guess every blog has to have first entry. So, what shall this be about? Well, first I'll outline some thoughs on why I started this blog here.
Okay, so I am cooperating on this website called "Nederlands Satanisme" which literally translates to "Dutch Satanism". Because I want the site to have an international voice which is seperate from the site itself, I started this blog here on blogspot. It was quick to set up, and I am generally lazy like that. Maybe I will register a domain for this at some time, but for now I stick my rants up here. Mainly because I have to keep the Dutch and the International (English-language) stuff seperated.
So, I hope you will enjoy this blog. I won't be posting often, but I hope what is here is worth your while.
Okay, so I am cooperating on this website called "Nederlands Satanisme" which literally translates to "Dutch Satanism". Because I want the site to have an international voice which is seperate from the site itself, I started this blog here on blogspot. It was quick to set up, and I am generally lazy like that. Maybe I will register a domain for this at some time, but for now I stick my rants up here. Mainly because I have to keep the Dutch and the International (English-language) stuff seperated.
So, I hope you will enjoy this blog. I won't be posting often, but I hope what is here is worth your while.
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